Internet for Farmer
Maret 04, 2008
Based on the endeavor to enhance farmers and their households’ capacity to access to information technology (IT), API in cooperation with Formasi Indonesia has been conducting Community Training Center (CTC) Program starting from August 2007. The objective of the program is to develop human resources in order to empower farmers’ economy. The program has been executed in six (6) location of six peasant unions member of API. The centers (CTCs) among others are located at: 1. Sekretariat API Bali at Jl. Banyubiru No. 289 Dusun Airanakan Banyubiru, Negara Jembrana Bali 82251. 2. ORTATA (Organisasi Taloa) at Jl. Sultan Kharuddin No. 28 Sumbawa Besar. 3. Sekretariat Paguyuban Petani Cianjur (PPC) 1 at Jl. Pagelaran No. 43 Cianjur. 4. Sekretariat Paguyuban Petani Cianjur (PPC) at Jl. Pangeran Hidayatullah No. 142 Desa Limbangan Sari RT 02 RW 13 Cianjur. 5. Himpunan Petani dan Nelayan Pakidulan (HPNP) at Jl. Merdeka KMP Situgede Wetan No. 18 RT/RW 02/06 Desa Cipanengah Kec. Lembur Situ Kota Sukabumi. 6. Kelompok Petani Perempuan Saluyu (PPPS) at Jl. Kp. Cisaat RT 01/01 Desa Caringin Kec. Kab. Sukabumi Jawa Barat 43359.
Since most API’s members are located in village level and are being unconnected by telephone lines, the networking of API’s CTCs are mostly located in districts areas. Therefore the unions’ secretariat at district will be the proper alternative as a center (CTC). For instance, CTC Ortata (Organisasi Taloa) in Sumbawa where located in Sumbawa Besar District is still hard to get internet access. The center uses telephone through satellite connection so it often disconnected suddenly while it operates the activity. But this condition is not a main problem to the operators at the CTC. In contrast, it is quite easier to other five centers (CTCs) in other places such as PPC 1 (Cianjur Peasants Union) that has better internet access through “speedy” provider even sometimes they still find a trouble in connecting.
Since the places where the participants live are geographically quite in remote areas, some peasants who participate in the training held at the CTCs (actually is API’s local secretariat at district level) have to stay 2-3 days. Indeed, they spend the time efficiently and make it very useful. They maximize the CTC very well. In other hand, even the students are still the most users of internet access, the CTC in Cianjur has also open to public not only peasants for internet access. The peasants are getting more benefits from the CTC.
The beneficiaries from 6 CTC show their enthusiasms. This appeared in preliminary discussion with the communities which attended by API’s staff of national secretariat. This indicates that the peasants need the information technology. They also actively participated in the management and setting up the places of trainings which were actually the secretariats of local peasants organizations are at district level. The activities are such as installment of the equipments, buildings paintings, and re-decorate and layout of the venue.
- At 8 April 2008 pukul 18.16, Sekolah Petani said...
wah hebat sekali .. bakalan jadi jaringan komunikasi yang tanpa beban .. kapan kita bisa dibantu diikutkan dalam jaringan nih, kawan-kawan? rasanya kami masih terkucil di lokasi-lokasi berat, jalanan rusak, dst ..